Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happiness is Just a Curly Fry Away

I saw this at Arby’s the other day while eating….curly fries. I couldn’t wait to get my curly fries and extremely fattening chicken salad sandwich with all kinds of frou frou.


Arby’s did not know the full import of that statement for compulsive eaters…


When a compulsive eater who is still ‘practicing’ their behaviors has feelings, has sadness, anger, despair, lots of happiness, whatever, her solution is to eat to get rid of those damn feelings. A curly fry would take all of that away in an instant. Unfortunately, there would not be enough curly fries on this planet to forever stave off the unpleasantness of unpleasant feelings or the sense that happy feelings will end disastrously.

1 comment:

Deech said...

Yummmm Curly fries....

I know, I am not helping. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!