Friday, June 29, 2007


1. Being asked to reformat a PowerPoint that's all screwed up…
….It's a personal affront to me that someone could possibly screw up a PowerPoint, ignoring our marketing standards, because surely they must have known that I would be called on to fix their FUBAR'd presentation! How dare they create more work for me?!

2. Being asked to do something NOW…
…How dare you assume I have nothing to do simply because I'm reading A Socialite's Life and checking my Yahoo mail? I am taking a much-needed mental break from my demanding job. You know, your lack of planning does not constitute my emergency, dude.

3. Being asked to put paper in the copier…
…Why? Are you too STUPID to open a drawer and put paper in it, moron?!

4. Geico Callers…
…No, I don't know Geico's number, fat fingers. I'm not directory assistance and stop interrupting my reading of important celebrity gossip and watching Britney Spears develop borderline personality disorder in front of our very eyes.

That's about it. I'm too tired to write any more on this post…I am starting to plot how I can maybe get to leave early today, but there's close to zero chance of that happening.

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