Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm so thankful we can listen to music at work.

I don't feel particularly inspired today, about the funniest thing that's happened today is that I was listening to a Hilary Duff song and turned it down because I was afraid someone might hear…and notice that I was listening to Hilary Duff…she's not that bad, ok?!

Other than that, I pissed off the King today. I was neglectful and lazy and procroastinor-y because I didn't act on the knowledge, which I obtained with my psychic abilities last Wednesday, that his clients would be 30 minutes early today. 'See, that's why I wanted all this in place on Thurday or Friday.' On Thursday or Friday, I was helping other people who needed their stuff asap too. I know you're the human equivalent of the Sun, Your Highness, but no one else seems to recognize that. Forgive them, Highness, they know not what they do.

I like this dude, but he needs to lay off the prima donna act. Sure, I could've worked a little faster on his stuff this morning, but everyone else here is high-maintenance too. I can't just put them off.

That's about it for now folks.


Deech said...

There are some good Hilary Duff tunes that I like. Not ashamed to admit it. The Corporate machine comes out with some good stuff every once in a while.

Say hello to "Ra" for me.


Anonymous said...


that's Amon Ra to you, Rico. lol