Tuesday, March 04, 2008

You've Come a Long Way Baby

Sometimes having a blog that you've had for three or four years can be quite instructive.
I reviewed the March entries for 2005-2008 and wow there has been quite a change.
March 2005 - Living with Dee and ExBoyfriend...feeling miserable, dedicating a lot of time and energy to the blog while at work. Obsessed about crocheting things. Weaning off of Prozac, still in therapy and dealing with my ex mentor, Holly. TONS of blog posts.
March 2006 - Happily in program, off Prozac, just found out that Ex was cheating for the last time. Rebuilding relationship with Dee. Less blog posts, but still plenty.
March 2007 - Only 1 post in March this year; obsessing about whether TherapyBoy is right about me being passive aggressive. Obsessed with dating. I hadn't posted about it, but I had just met the Mackistani. I hinted at it, saying that things are looking up in dating and I will post about it later.
March 2008 - One year into relationship with the Mackistani, adopted Dee in August 2007. About to move out of my apartment and into a house, hopefully. Working on it. Been in program since early 2006. One payment from getting out of debt and then I am done. I've made amends to Dee, to Holly, to my mom, to my supervisor...next up, who knows? I'm on Step Nine, in which you learn how liberating it is to clean up your past mistakes! VERY liberating! In many unexpected ways. Like financially. Weird! For some reason, when your past history is no longer threatening you, you don't feel like spending yourself silly or stuffing yourself silly. Amazing! Nothing to hide means nothing to hide. No energy spent to hide it, no dishonesty to worry about.

1 comment:

Deech said...

I think its amazing how stuff just works out!
