Friday, March 07, 2008

Dear God, Please Help Me with My Research Paper Topic

Dear God,
I am clueless as to what I should write about on my research paper for this English class, my first college course in over five years. Much is riding on this course!
If I succeed, it will not only not be a waste of my $200, but it will also spur me on to greater success, we hope. :)
Do I expect too much from myself? Is a B not acceptable in this class? It's just English Comp II. I just have to write a research paper. I hate writing those. I can do it though!
Ok, what to write about --
1. Something about foster children.
2. Something about the fact that money, not human interest, drives all America's incursions into other countries.
3. Something about attachment disorders and children's mental health issues?
4. Something about that landlords using consumer credit checks to make housing decisions is tantamount to discrimination in housing?
What to write about?

1 comment:

Deech said...

I would write about the social interaction or mis-interaction of websites like
