Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Things to Opine and Whine About

First off, Taylor Swift is adorable, amazingly talented, and she appears to be working on it, but she can't sing. I hope she gets a vocal coach before little girls start imitating her style of not singing on pitch and taking breaths in the wrong places.

Next, my teacher from Intro to Computer Methods, aka Photoshop and Illustrator, is so irritating. She took an identity package fricking exercise, not even a project, and turned it into this huge bullshit project. We're supposed to pick out Pantone colors and paper samples and shit and glue that to our newly-required, tracing-paper-covered, mat boards. I haven't seen any clear instructions outlining the final directions. It's ridiculous. As usual, she is a lousy teacher though I am sure she's a great designer. Too nitpicky about her students' work for all the wrong reasons and just overall trying to be a good teacher but not really succeeding at it. This teaching gig just fills in the blanks in her income for now while she's building up her design studio clientele.

Loving Drawing. That class is teaching me amazing stuff about drawing. I'm actually good at it!

Typography - teacher was a little pissy today. I guess he didn't get any man-love over the weekend. Seriously, I'm not being a homophobe, he is gay and out, so it's all good. My layouts are great but he goes on about how I have experience in I do not, thank you. I was a secretary for over ten years, not a designer. I just read some books and messed around about eight or nine years ago. I am sponge...I learn a lot from what I experience and I remember a lot of it too. So he's all, "You're doing things a designer would do but you're missing the typography basics." Oh go suck it.

Next- a little snit with my sister. Par for the course.

Next - husband is still in Denver. I'm a little pissed at him for something so hope he's enjoying his eight inches of snow. :) He's supposed to be here on Friday. *insert snort here* . I'm bona-fide irritated with him.

Sick of people sending me anti-Muslim shit and and anti-Obama shit. I'm a Muslim (Allah forgive the bad words...) and Obama is my demi-god. Just kidding 'bout that last. But I am Muslim and the peeps who send me this crap know it. I finally got so fed up with one would-be Crusader and told him, "This is fake (after I checked it on I can't believe that someone with the level of intelligence you seem to exhibit would continue to forward this junk on." He responded with hurt feelings, saying that he couldn't believe I could be so rude. But, friend, what is ruder? Responding firmly after the umpteenth prod or sending the umpteenth prod after being told to quit it? After someone sets a boundary, it is damned rude not to respect it. Crikey.

So I haven't job-hunted since six months ago or something, right? Right around the time that the last quarter started. I got an email from a would-be employer who's interested in me and wants me to come in for an interview. Should I go? I don't know.

1 comment:

Deech said...

Absolutely go! If you get the Job in this economy, it would be a bonus!