Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Snowy Day

Well it is snowy outside, and that is pretty. I actually like it. It's only a bitch when you can't drive around and do stuff. Other than that, it's alright.

I read an interesting article about if global warming is real, why is the east coast buried under snow? Duh. It's clearly because global warming is real and you guys are the most corrupt part of the country. Sorry. Most of the most corrupt politicians live there, so clearly you're going to get it. Just deal and stop whining.

You know what I realized lately? That a lot of the articles written about how terribly hectic life is, about how little free time we have, getting ahead at work, organizing our homes, all the obligations that moms put upon themselves in meeting the expectations of others, are written by folks that are out on the coasts. IE they're out of touch with anyone who doesn't live on the East or West coast. This would explain why I can't relate to so many of these articles.

Like the ones about moms who freak over their kids' birthday parties. I don't know what they're talking about. Sure, it's a big pain but for God's sake, it's not that bad. And freaking over what to wear...not a real big deal here in Omaha.

I'm kind of glad I live in the midwest, and Omaha in particular. Life is slower. Thank God.

Me and my little girl are making Valentines tonight for her party on Friday. My husband astutely pointed out that it's probably not a good idea to encourage children to have 'valentines' and to 'love' at that age. So our valentines will be about friendship and stuff like that...not love.

Still in graphic design school. I love it. Right now I'm in Art History, Drawing II, and InDesign. I like all three of my classes. But the most challenging and intense one is undoubtedly Drawing II. Today I have to do drapery studies, thumbnail sketches for my collage, and photorealism. Fun times. And a lot of work. Which will start at 2pm. And continue for 4 or more hours. :)

1 comment:

Deech said...

I am happy to report that I have not had to start my snow thrower once this season.

See? That's one of the things I am not regretting. I think its funny how people complain about the snow...How it is a pain in the ass to drive in, etc. etc. etc.

I eliminated that problem 6 years ago.