Wednesday, August 08, 2007


D is trying soooooo hard to be sick right now so she can go to sick kid daycare, where they play games and watch movies and have no discipline lol

so this morning she fakes vomit by either making herself puke or by chewing up some fruit and whatnot and spitting it into a bowl.

Next up, she goes potty in the morning and says to me, with maximum joy, 'I have DIARRHEA!!!!!'

Well this munchkin has faked being sick so many times, I just say, 'Ok, thanks for letting me know.'

 Sure enough, she had a loose stool. I take her temperature, no fever, no nothing, so I tell her to get dressed. I do not say where she's going today.

'Are you tricking me?'

'No, please get dressed.'

A short while later, 'It's time to go.'

So on the way down the stairs, she goes, 'Are we going to Behave'n?'


'But I have DIARRHEA!'

'No, you had a loose poopy. Diarrhea is when your poop is uncontrollable.'

Now wait for it..
....wait for it....

'But my poop is going WILD!!!!'

1 comment:

Deech said...

ROTFLMAO...What kids would try to get away with. Could have been worse. If you have seen Van Wilder, her whey shake could have been laced with Colon Blow! ROTFLMAO!
