Wednesday, June 04, 2008


ok I haven't posted in over a month. That is because things are going well.
I'm sewing more. I'm reading more. I'm selling more stuff on eBay. I'm working. I'm taking care of my little family. Things are good with the Mackistani. I'm industrious, hemming people's clothes for them and stuff. I'm learning about designing websites in my spare time and trying to help Mack with his little business. Holy Lord his communication skills are a problem. So basically things are good. There are a few nettles but I can't really complain. Well....I can. But I choose not to!!! LOL
The sales people at work are still ravenous and food-obsessed. I'm refusing to go get the food even this minute. Supervisor is out this week and Twiggy is so excited about doing her job. As if. She isn't supposed to be back there at supervisor's desk right now because she's supposed to be up here answering phones, but she's milking that for all it's worth to escape the reality that she's a travel-arranging receiptionist. Oh well, let's be charitable. It's not like I'm cranking out all kinds of work nor is it like I need to. Let her have her break. If it gets busy later, I can always send the phones to her.

1 comment:

Deech said...

Yeah, things are going great all over. The countdown is on. Two weeks from tomorrow my left hand will be weighted down a little bit....if you get my drift.
