Sunday, June 15, 2008

John McCain's Character...My Commentary

Ok Rico I saw your comment. You're right but...

I find it unlikely that she did something wrong...I mean, what could she have done? No one's perfect, but it sure doesn't sound like she could have had an affair or been a diva when he came back.

This is the problem when people want to start getting personal in elections like they are doing with Obama. Where does it stop? How tawdry do we get? How long until people are talking more about someone's pastor or ex wife or *insert topic here* than the issues and the candidates' positions on them?

I have to admit, I never cared about what Obama's pastor said, I don't care about his religion either. I'm not sure I care that much about what McCain did to his ex wife. I guess what I am tired of is a one-sided attack on Obama's personal character that I am seeing from conservatives...whether it's referring pointedly to his middle name (Hussein) or it's quoting things his pastor said and practically attributing them to Obama's mouth.

And I get so many emails from my conservative friends that try to incite fear about what Obama's going to do to Whitey. Seriously. It's like there is a fear of a slave uprising or something. I hear a lot of fears about change and especially new things like a black president for the first time.

People need to take some courage, lose their fear, and start using their brains. Not poring over every bit of propaganda that comes into their email inbox and believing it as though it's Gospel.

1 comment:

Deech said...

The one thing I like about Obama's message is that he is positive and try to get things done.

I just try to look at what people say and ask the question, "why are they saying it." This message about McCain's ex wife is coming out now because?......

Good post though...Thought provoking...


By the way...the count down is now on! 6 Days to go.