Wednesday, July 02, 2008

So Sick of It

I don’t know about other people, but I am getting really sick of conservative emails. Emails about how we should drill in the Arctic instead of changing our dang habits, how we should stop those Muslims from taking over our country, how we should allow prayer in schools and how we should stop those gays from marrying, how we should stop trying to help those black people, etc etc etc.


Good Lord, where are these people’s consciences? I just don’t understand it.


What about this doozy of a website?


Apparently the Muslims are going to take over!!!!  Wow. Terrorism sure has worked. These people are shaking in their boots. But what are they really afraid of?


It is my opinion that they’re afraid of no longer being the majority…White Christians are the majority in this country. For years we have whined about prayer not being in schools, about the state not espousing religion  etc etc. Well it appears that if the winds are changing and Christians may soon become the minority in this country, or Muslims may achieve a 50/50 split, then Christians should be joining the ACLU in record numbers. Separation of Church and State is the thing in this country that can prevent radical, violent Islam from taking over.


Whitey is pretty dang scared of Barack Obama. They’re even going so low as to use his middle name as proof of his inability to be a good president. I guess they’re not allowed to use his color, so they have to find something that’s equally as useful to appeal to ignorant Americans. Instead of talking about his experience, which is far more worrisome weak point, they resort to scaring people.

1 comment:

Deech said...

Times are changing babe...times are changing. Change is also very painful. Maybe by the time our kids have grandkids of their own, everything will be worked out.
