Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Anyone who thinks Obama's Religion is Relevant in this Race is Stupid.

If I get one more email from my conservative friends about how Obama is a closet Muslim, I will scream. Or implode. I'd rather implode than explode. It would be rude for everyone to get covered in guts.

People are SO STUPID. Who gives a fuck if Obama is a Muslim? IT'S INAPPROPRIATE TO EVEN ASK THIS QUESTION. Just like JFK's religion was irrelevant, so is Obama's. Shit, maybe it would be GOOD if he were Muslim, because maybe we'd have a better relationship with the Middle East. Maybe our country would get a better understanding of where these folks are coming from.

Oh wait...that wouldn't really work, since terrorism is not about religion but is actually about economics and America's fucked up foreign policy. Islam's got nothing to do with it, aside from being used as a tool by some psychos to get disillusioned young men and women to hate the immoral Americans.

Good God people...THINK. Don't just suck up whatever the media and propaganda artists (is there an actual difference?) tell you!


Deech said...

I agree with you here except for one thing...This Jihad is about religion. The Terrorist fanatics took down our World Trade Center because they felt that their god was better than ours...Since we are all infedils any way.


Secretary said...

No, that's not true. Their leaders who don't like America's policies started terrorism and decided to call it jihad, and used religion to further their interests. They are warping Islam to their benefit. It is easier to get uneducated, disillusioned young men to do whatever they want them to that way.