Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Things are going well.
Mack doesn't plan on moving to Chicago, he is now looking for jobs HERE. Yes, HERE. And starting a business HERE. And he told me last night that I am the best thing to happen to him in Omaha.
Mack has now been fully integrated into our little family and I daresay we are a family unit now. He's referring to himself as Dad and referring to he and I collectively as Mommy and Daddy when he speaks to Dee. As in, "Don't worry, Mommy and Daddy are just having a heated conversation." Did I report this yet? I think so.
Anyway, I just feel so happy. I was having some doubts when he went to Florida for three weeks, and then was too late coming back for the special weekend I'd planned for us. Man I was p*ssed about that. 
But he has been *so different* since coming back from Florida. Mack is so loving, so nice, so frickin adorable, generous with his time and his feelings and resources, and he's stepping into the role of Dee's father. He's helping me put my life together, appreciates my time and talents, encourages me in my goals, in exactly the way I need, is invested in how Dee is raised, you name it.
He listens to me, he respects me when we argue. And we have so much fun together. He is just what I didn't know that I needed. God really does work in mysterious ways.
There is no engagement to report at this time, but we love each other very much and we are planning a future together. Mack and I have both been burned in marriage before, so we are taking our time. Things look really good though. :) You know what is weird? Sometimes he reminds me of my dad...the good parts about my dad, not the bad parts.
This March on the 30th will be the anniversary of our first date, if I have the date right. :)
I keep questioning how this happened to me, how did I find someone like this? I may look foolish if I post this and things don't go well, but I will post it anyway. He's so perfect for me....geeky but not entirely, loves Dee, loves me, loves growth and change, agrees with me on so many things. He's so....rational. LOL. I think it took a good long while for my walls to come down but I can finally say they are completely down now. And I think his are as well. I feel a strong, strong connection to the Mack. :) It feels very secure.
Dee continues to do well. Her performance in school is improving as well. We are changing her meds and I haven't had to do holding therapy in I don't know how long. She talked to her mom on the phone on Saturday...not sure that was wise. It bothers me that whenever C has any contact with Dee, she wants more and more. I try to put that aside...even after the phone call, I felt queasy. And Dee did try to pull some stuff...not as bad as last time but it was there...so I think they are not ready for more just yet.
I don't know how my family is...we don't speak a whole lot....which is as I like it. For now.
As for work -- things are good here. I am having the worst time getting to bed on time and therefore showing up on time. ERG! More than that, though, is that the number of people that I support continues to grow. I have so much to do that I don't know where to start and finding time to do expenses is getting to be more challenging. I have seven reports on my desk to file right now. I will find some time when I can stay late and do them. The Mack is helping more and more with the child so that helps.
That's about it for now. Tonight we will probably go and celebrate V day since the Mack is going to Texas to jobhunt and play some tennis plus buy a car for sale, which is what he does when he's unemployed. He'll be gone for about ten days and that'll be a nice time to get my program going stronger again. :)

1 comment:

Deech said...

This is good to hear! You will find things will start to click in to place and life will become more stable for you. I think this is what Dee needed...stability.

Where in Texas? Anywhere near SA? If so, you should have him look me up.
