Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Secret

Have you heard all the buzz about 'The Secret'?

Hey, I've got a secret for you. For free. Yes, that's right, I'm happy to do my fellow man a major favor at no cost.

Basically, you just need to make sure your fingers always remain dry. Never touch your mouth with your fingers and don't lick them in between Cheetos. Have your napkin at the ready to ensure finger-dryness.

Ok so this book "The Secret" came out and it's a Christian industry thing. Yes, I said INDUSTRY. Just like "The Purpose-Drive Life" became an industry and still is. Well, apparently, this book tells you that all you have to do to be happy is be in complete submission to the Will of God. It's also a marketing tool, forgot that.

Well, let me let you in on a little secret. You can get this information, a book that gives you step-by-step instructions on doing this, and free coaching and support all by attending a 12-step meeting. This SECRET was already figured out back in the 20's by a little group known as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Oh and the Muslims already knew this secret also. In fact, they discovered this secret about 1500 years ago when a fellow named Muhammad spent about 23 years taking dictation from God in a cave. This dictation became a book called the Quran. The word Islam means peace, which, according to Muslims, is achieved through complete submission to the will of God, whom they call Allah.

So basically it's not a secret. But people are always looking for some book or self-help work that will fill their God-sized holes...

1 comment:

Deech said...

Hey, thanks for the secret! Too bad I already knew it. That's why people don't want to tell me their secrets. They are afraid I already know them.
